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teen girls wearing diapers for special occasions

Only for convenience

Posted by mandi2 on 2018-12-25 13:33:16

I wore my diaper and plastic pants under white tights last night on christmas eve under my holiday dress to late mass,then wore them to bed and still have them on now.Mom said i have to wear them all day under my holiday dress!

Posted by mandi2 on 2018-12-25 13:41:43

It is great that the other 5 girls in your class had the diapers and plastic pants under their dresses as well.Their parents had them wear them to symbolize their purity of an infant for their First Communion.That is the main reason as to why girls wear them under their baptism,communion and confirmation dresses.It is so cute,seeing teen girls in their communion dresses and veils with the lace anklets and white shoes and having their cloth diaper and plastic pants on under their dresses!

Posted by mandi2 on 2018-12-25 15:23:20

Southtapper-The other girls wore the diapers and plastic pants to symbolize their purity and innocence of when they were baptized as babies.You had to wear them because of your wetting problem,but they are normally worn to symbolize infant purity and innocence of the girls.

Posted by mandi2 on 2019-02-25 13:44:51

Yes,it can be quite embarrassing for a teen girl to be seen in her baptism diaper and plastic pants and under shirt before her dress is put on.Most moms buy their daughters baptism plastic pants to fit billowy over the diaper so their daughters will look like a regular baby.The other girls in your class wore the cloth diapers and plastic pants to symbolize their purity and innocence of a baby.That is the main reason why catholic parents have their teen daughters wear them,so that is more than likely why they were wearing them.In some families it is a tradition for the daughters to wear the diaper and plastic pants and under shirt under their white dresses,and in some parishes it is the normal underwear worn under the baptism,firs communion,and confirmation dresses.I have a few catholic friends who were baptized,made first communion and confirmation and all of them had the cloth diapers and plastic pants on under their white dresses.

Posted by mandi2 on 2019-02-25 15:10:52

When i was 15,dad and i went to the purity ball at our church.Mom bought a pair of white,toddler extra large size rubberpants for me to wear.She told me that they would make me feel more pure and innocent.After my bath,i laid back on my bed,mom baby powdered me,then put the rubberpants on me.They fit me ok.Next came my white tights,bra,slip them my white,short sleeve,floor length dress,then my flower crown with ribbons down the back,then my white gloves and last my white shoes.She then brought me out and presented me to dad.I felt like a princess with dad at the ball,and i could feel the toddler rubberpants next to my skin the whole time.I pledged my virginity to dad that night and wear my purity ring every day.Afew other girls i talked to also had rubberpants on under their dresses,so i wasnt the only girl wearing them.