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teen girls wearing diapers for special occasions

Only for convenience

Posted by pacifier on 2016-07-12 13:26:28

To southtapper-There was a newly adopted 14 year old girl who baptized and christened as a baby this past sunday at my parish.She wore a below the knees,infant style white gown with a matching bonnet,lace anklets and white booties.Under the gown,she had a thick cloth diaper with blousy fitting plastic pants over it and a white tee shirt.She had a pacifier on a pink ribbon around her neck and was sucking on it the whole time.When her mom picked her up to recieve the water on her head,we got a glimpse of her diaper and plastic pants.She was just like a regular baby being baptized and looked very dainty and pure in her outfit.After the mass,i was talking to her mom and she told me that her daughter is starting over as a baby and wears cloth diapers and plastic pants 24/7. I assume you had new plastic pants over your new cloth diaper as well for you baptism,how did yours fit and did they crinkle under your christeng dress?

Posted by southtapper on 2016-07-13 22:57:37

Everything I had on for my baptism was new. I did have plastic pants over my cloth diaper. They were a little large. larger than they had to be. They did crinkle. I tried not to move too much. I don't know if anyone saw them or not. A lot of people did see me without my christening dress but that was just family, my Godparents and our minister in private.

Posted by southtapper on 2016-07-14 14:22:41

I have heard about Purity Balls for fathers and their daughters but I never attended any so I don't know much about them. Is wearing a diaper under your dress the most embarrassing thing?

Posted by pacifier on 2016-07-18 12:56:18

Hi,was your baptism a catholic one? Iknow how you felt about your plastic pants crinkling,as mine fit me blosy and crinkle under my dresses!Was it embarrassing for you to be seen without your christening dress on?I assume they saw you in your undershirt and the diaper and plastic pants.did you also have a bonnet with your christening dress?I suppose you felt like a baby in your outfit like i do wearing my cloth diapers and plastic pants under dresses.I feel older girls going thru baptism and christening should be dressed as babies and treated as such for the day.I am catholic and at my parish,the all white,poofy dress or gown with a matching bonnet,lace anklets or tights and white shoes is the normal baptism outfit for all the preteen and teen girls and only the cloth diaper and plastic pants and undershirt is worn under neath.

Posted by southtapper on 2016-07-19 17:06:11

Yes it was Catholic. I did wear a bonnet. I had no choice. I was seen in my undershirt, diaper and plastic pants before the service. I did not yet have my dress, petticoat and bonnet on. I was walking around in the room where I was getting ready and my grandpa said you could hear me coming before you could see me because I was crinkling so loud. It was very embarrassing especially when everybody laughed.