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The Fix is In 2016-08-06
In the past month or so, we have witnessed some startling news and revelations concerning Hillary...
2017 UK General Election 2017-04-26 (closed)
Who will you vote for?
prison punishment 2001-09-28
solitary confinment
Sexuality 2004-03-24
I'm trying to determine the different groups who support and oppose various 'gay movements,' so I...
Presidential poll 2011-08-15
Rate each president who you know from American history based on whether they were a good or bad p...
2016 Philippine President 2014-03-07
A Survey on the Philippine presidential aspirants come 2016 Elections. WHO SHOULD BE THE SUCCE...
How much should the government limit our freedom of expression? 2014-10-20
How much should the government limit our freedom of expression?
Which 2016 presidential candidate would you vote for? 2015-06-21
This coming election features candidates with galvanizing views. Do your research and consider wh...
Israel & Self-Defence 2016-01-22
<p>In recent years, the Israeli self-defence system Krav Maga has gained increasing interna...
Election 2016 Issues 2016-05-07
Election 2016 Issues
Trump vs The Media (New York Times) 2016-08-15
<img src=https://s3.postimg.org/t4dpygu9f/WVI6_Jt.png/> Donald Trump: I'm running agains...
Who do you want to be president of America? 2016-10-25
Just to see peoples opinions about it
Medicare Drug Plan Penalty 2017-03-08
Lifetime penalty imposed on seniors 65 and over who do not have drug plans.
Woman's Rights? 2003-06-30
We live in a very different world than that of 100 years ago. Women can vote, hold a wide variety...
Should names and locations of sex offenders be made public? 2008-07-17
Should names and locations of sex offenders be made public?
Rule your nation 3 2012-01-02
do what you would do if you were in charge of a country
Smoking? 2012-01-16
Since the conservatives despise liberals, liberals are seeking to exit the union. We are positiv...
Liberals think its OK, to let little girls get abortions without parental consent..... do you a...
Mistreatment of White people in modern America 2006-03-21
I've noticed that whites are being discriminated against while POCs (People of Color)are being tr...
Barack Obama warns of Cold War-style 'cyber arms race' with Russia 2016-09-09
<img src=https://s12.postimg.org/c403dsy8d/barack_obama_vs_vladimir_putin_rivalry_18737.jpg/&g...
Prison Rights in the US 2001-09-20
Should prisoners in US prisons have rights
Should Women be Sent into Combat? 2003-02-09
With war looming the question remains: should women be sent into combat? The two main argument...
A Ban On Labelling All Men As Potential Paedophiles? 2009-12-24
In the UK it has been reported that British Airways has a ban on male flight passengers sitting n...
EU referendum - UK residents 2015-05-04 (closed)