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Controversy / Morality


self punishment 2002-04-22
Like you really read the intro. Just do the poll :op
After Birth Abortions 2016-02-13
It's been forty-three years since Roe v. Wade legalized abortion in America. But some have sugge...
Do You Let Your Preteen Son Be Nude. 2003-05-14
Just A Quick Poll.
Nudity 2015-05-21
This poll is to investigate attitudes about nudity. Background - I am a 39 year old mother in Wes...
Legalizing public nudity 2001-09-06
Opinions on the legalization of public nudity
C.P.in girls schools in England only 2001-11-27
There is a lobby to change the law to reintroduce corporal punishment in English schools. I only...
Belt Spankins 2012-08-28
This a Poll about Being Smacked/Spanked with a Belt. I have a Poll for the Cane as well For this...
Men working shirtless 2003-07-25
Per a message on the main board, an interest in making a poll of this subject has been noted here...
Stricter laws against harassment 2015-09-14
Harassment at the workplace, in college, street harassment or harassment even on public transport...
Fathers Helping Daughters in Changing Rooms 2015-07-10
From the responces to my polls<a href="http://www.misterpoll.com/polls/594255">Gi...
Mr Poll phasing out adult polls and message boards 2016-01-11
Posted by Mister Poll on 2015-12-28 07:32:42 Happy Holidays, Misterpollsters! We have finally...
Age appropriate boundaries 2016-12-06
Boundaries between parents and their kids, considering age and gender.
My wife and I disagree on how to raise our 3 sons. 2003-05-20
Me and my wife have 4 kids. 3 sons (8,12,15) and a daughter(10). My wife thinks boys should not ...
Moms Only: Son Getting Kicked in the Balls 2013-02-25
Here is a brief synopsis of my situation: My 11 year old son apparently groped a 14 year old g...
Fathers Helping Daughters in Changing Rooms 2 2015-07-10
From the responces to <a href="http://www.misterpoll.com/polls/594255">Girl's spo...
Circumcision: Risk v. Benefits 2017-07-05
<p>Surgery is serious business. It's only done in cases where the benefits clearly outweig...
Women who believe in spanking poll 2010-01-06
This is a poll for women who believe in spanking to see which scenarios would in their opinion ju...
Unsuitable for family viewing? 2017-04-24
My new polls have been denied inclusion in the Misterpoll directories yet again! Obviously this ...
Co-ed Skinny Dipping 2002-04-14
According to a recent Roper Poll 1/4 of all adult Americans (51 million) have skinny dipped with ...
What do you think about women wearing really short skirts 2010-02-10
This poll is about what you think about women who wear really short skirts or dresses. I am mysel...
Are you pro-life or pro choice (Abortion)? 2016-08-31
<img src=https://s22.postimg.org/5w45yje2p/Prolife_Prochoice1.jpg/>
Suitable Punishments For Rape 2009-10-11
Rape is a vile and brutal crime. While both genders can, and are victims of rape, it is generally...
US Circumcision by Region 2000-10-10
Please answer based on region where you were born, not region where you currently reside.
Boys vs Girls 2017-02-21
Saw a similar poll. Was inspired.
vacation - nude couple's play 2015-07-10
Everyone cuts loose during vacations. I'm curious how naked you get, or wish you could get. How m...