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Girls, are you made to wear skirts in the winter?

Bare legs

Posted by rebecca94 on 2011-01-31 10:39:59


I can reply early today as we have a free period as some of our teachers are off sick. It seems we have a flu-like bug going around. Quite a few girls are unwell and in the sick bay.

Yes, we have to wear our uniform when we leave the school building. We get use to it though. When we are in school on Sundays after Church we can replace our blazers with jumpers and remove our ties if we want to. I often keep my tie on.

At home I wear blouses and skirts most of the time. I really would like different clothes occasionally and that is my main reason for joining this forum to find out whether there are other girls in a similar situation because it was getting me down.

The shop assistant was great. The shop was quiet so she could spend some time with us. She found it hard to believe that I had never worn trousers and was very helpful in letting me try on different styles.

I will definitely wear trousers when I can chose my own clothes but that won't be for about 2 years until I am 18.

Your mother has similar views to mine on clothes. I am not sure if I have already asked you but does she ever wear trousers?

best wishes


Posted by ellie0x0x on 2011-01-31 16:59:51

Hey Rebecca.

Oh dear i hope you don't catch anything. So does that mean you wear your uniform 7 days a week, as i said i only wear my school uniform if my mum makes me go to church, and if there is a special event on at school. Yes if i am honest like Elizabeth i don't think the blouse just buttoned up is a good look (although i am starting to like it) i think it looks better with a tie, thats why as my mum wants me to dress smart i stay in my uniform until i go to bed (the only thing i don't like when i stay in uniform is that as i am in uniform the same school rules apply so i can't undo my top button, and my mum prefers me to not undo my blazer buttons either). Do any of your friends take off there tie? if they do do they or even you with a tie on get to undo their top button on a sunday?

Oh right what do you wear the other time then, on a weekend i always look as if i am going to work. Do you button up your blouses or does your mum tell you to because before i used to hate buttoning up my blouses on a weekend (even though i have never unbuttoned my top button at school) and sometimes my mum made me but now i am starting to like it i feel embarrassed about what my mum will say when i do the top button up when she doesn't ask, i hope this isn't confusing, because when i do do it up infront of my mum i hide it sort of like with a scarf or something. This obviously sounds bizaare as my mum prefers me to button up and always have my top button done up and tie tight at school, but its just how i feel.

Thats fine although when you get to choose your own clothes will you just wear anything, because when i get to choose my clothes which is a long way away i still want to wear blouses and skirt or trouser suits mainly.

Thats ok, no never to be honest as i said she was brought up not to wear trousers.

Ellie <3

Posted by rebecca94 on 2011-02-02 16:02:34


I am OK so far although some more girls have been taken ill.

I do wear my uniform 7 days a week when at school although we can wear a jumper instead of our blazers when in our rooms/during free time. I tend to wear my tie most of the time as well.

When at home I wear skirts and blouses mainly but leave the top blouse button undone unless I am doing something important. I never wear a tie at home.

Like you I will still dress smartly when at university as that is what I am used to. I don't think I would feel comfortable in casual clothes somehow.

Best wishes


Posted by rebecca94 on 2011-02-03 15:10:51

Hi Ellie

I think the girls here are so used to wearing their uniforms out in the town that they don't get embarrassed. Some people do stare now and again but it doesn't worry me.

I wouldn't get embarrassed about my top button. I am sure that other people wouldn't even notice if it is done up or not at weekends.

So your tracksuit bottoms are not being replaced. You will only have smart clothes left then. I like being smart and most girls here take a pride in their appearance as well.


Posted by ellie0x0x on 2011-02-03 17:13:01

Hey Rebecca

Credit to them and you, so you must think its normal then really. Do you still have to wear their uniform smartly? like even though there not on school premises they still have to have the top button done up and blazer on etc.

Ok, i am probably making a fuss over nothing. I suppose they wouldn't as i always wear my school uniform smartly, i'm just worried about what my mum will say even though she prefers me to have it done up and what my freinds will say as they are allowed to dress how they want, yes they are fine with me dressing smartly at weekends (ok they still make the odd funny comment but i laugh as well) but like you say i hope they won't notice its done up, although my blouses when done up do look odd because the collars are stiff but i like it so what about this i'll ask to go shopping or something with them tommorow afterschool and try and find the courage to do my top button up on my blouse and hope they don't say anything. If they do i am the type of person to go red and not stick up for myself, shall i say something like, my mum made me do it up or something.

No i am not going to buy another pair, my mum will be thrilled as i get older i think i just want to dress smartly, well its been hammered into my brain by my mum to dress smartly, but i rarely wear them only on lazy days and that is a rarity, i might as well hand in some of my tee-shirts and hoodies then as well to the charity shop what do you think. What things and colours do you have in your wardrobe include school uniform, i just want to see if our mums have kind of brought us up the same and also see what you have that i don't so i can go and buy, does surrey have a lot of shops the nearest shopping centre to me is in plymouth.
