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Christians: how far did you go before you got married? 2006-03-07
There is much talk today about how far is too far physically for Christians to go before they get...
Are you going to heaven or hell? 2006-03-02
Everyone says they are going to heaven. But why? What does it take? You MUST be sure, you can'...
Teen Girls' Attire at Church (Girls Only) 2006-02-16
This purpose of this poll is to find how often teenage girls wear skirts to church, how long are ...
Should Abortion be Legal 2006-02-16
Many People have differant views on the subject, i want to know yours and why.
Test Your Knowledge 2006-02-16
Who are christians supposed to worship??
Is religion really necessary these days? 2006-02-13
I mean really, do you think religion is necessary to the world? Isn't it possible to decide for ...
Heaven or Hell 2006-02-13
Assuming that the theological realms of heaven and hell do exist, voice your opinion on where the...
Versions of the Bible 2006-02-03
what version of the bible you prefer
What do you believe about heaven, hell, and the afterlife? 2006-02-02
I recently watched Barbara Walters' special about heaven and was very impressed. I began wonderi...
The Issues of Religion 2006-01-24
This poll is to see just how you feel about the issues that religion faces.
Religion 2006-01-18
What YOU believe in
Church 2006-01-16
What kind of Church do you go to? Do you like how the Church is set up? What would you change a...
I revised the Ten Commandments 2006-01-11
Tell me what you think... I threw out all of that other stuff and kept it down to the bare minimu...
Ayyavazhi 2006-01-09
This is one of the fastest growing religion in India. Though it was not received official recogni...
What is the best feature of Christmas? 2006-01-09
Christmas is celebrated all round the world, for various reasons, but what makes it fun/special f...
Church and State 2006-01-06
The making of a documentary...need to have some statistics in it. (Americans only please, for the...
Do you have faith in anything? 2005-12-28
I'd really like to know what people really believe, or don't believe.
Prayer 2005-12-28
How often do you pray
Is Your religion Tolerated? 2005-12-24
I'm lucky to live in a place where all religions are tolerated...but what about you guys?
Poll for Believers only 2005-12-21
What do you think of non-believers? (Please do not answer if you are an atheist or an agnostic)
Creationism--next step 2005-12-21
Is the world flat?
What do you believe in? 2005-12-19
Some questions about your beliefs. Please take time to think about your answers. Thanks.
Which came first? 2005-12-12
Okay. I want to know what you think. Be truthful & the outcome will be awesome for me. This i...
Will active Porn Stars go to Heaven? 2005-12-07
This poll is directly talking about porn stars that are actively involved in sex with other peopl...
athiest 2005-11-26
are you athiest do you think it's a sin